Scrubby Integration with Instantly: Boosting Outreach Campaigns

For any business to thrive, efficiently reaching out to potential clients is more important than ever. Cold email outreach remains a powerful tool for generating new meetings and driving revenue growth. The challenge, however, lies in ensuring that these emails not only reach the intended recipients but also elicit a response. This is where the integration of Scrubby with Instantly can make a world of difference.

Scrubby Integrating with Instantly

The Basics: What Do Instantly and Scrubby Offer?

Instantly is a cold email software known for its robust features aimed at enhancing outreach campaigns. The platform supports unlimited email-sending accounts and provides an invaluable warmup feature, ensuring your emails land in inboxes rather than spam folders. Instantly also offers a B2B lead database plus AI-driven insights to help businesses scale their outreach campaigns effectively and affordably.

Instantly tool

Scrubby, on the other hand, specializes in email validation. It manages and validates “risky” or “catch-all” email addresses, thereby maintaining your domain security and IP reputation. With a near-perfect accuracy rate of 98.7%, Scrubby significantly reduces email bounces and ensures data security.

Complete email validation tool

Benefits of Integrating Scrubby with Instantly

When these two powerful tools come together, businesses can achieve monumental improvements in their outreach campaigns. Let’s break down the benefits in finer detail.

Improved Deliverability and Reduced Bounce Rate

The integration of Scrubby with Instantly offers the unbeatable combination of superior email validation and scalable email sending capabilities. Scrubby’s validation processes identify and manage risky email addresses, reducing the chances of bounces. Instantly can then take this cleaned list and send out bulk emails with a significantly higher assurance that they will land in the intended inboxes.

A lower bounce rate translates to a better sender reputation. This means your future emails are less likely to be flagged as spam, further improving deliverability. When emails reliably reach recipients, your chances of securing meetings and driving revenue increase substantially.

Enhanced IP and Domain Reputation

Your IP and domain reputation play crucial roles in how email service providers perceive your emails. A tarnished reputation can quickly get your emails pushed to spam folders, no matter how well-crafted they are.

Scrubby’s accurate validation process ensures that only legitimate email addresses remain on your list, protecting your IP and domain reputation. When your cleansed list is combined with Instantly’s unlimited account warmup feature, you add an additional layer of security, ensuring that your emails enjoy high deliverability rates and maintain a sterling reputation for your IP and domain.

Cost-effectiveness and Scalability

One of the standout features of Instantly is its capability to connect unlimited sending accounts without incurring additional costs. Competitors often charge per account, which can add up quickly, especially for growing businesses. By leveraging Scrubby to ensure the accuracy of your email lists, you can maximize the return on your investment in Instantly.

This integration allows you to send out high-volume, validated emails without worrying about incremental costs, making it a cost-effective solution for large-scale outreach campaigns.

Streamlined Campaign Management

Managing an outreach campaign requires balancing numerous variables—email content, timing, recipient lists, follow-ups, and more. Scrubby and Instantly streamline this process by integrating email validation directly into your outreach strategy. Scrubby cleans your email lists before you even start your campaign, and Instantly ensures that these emails are sent out efficiently and arrive where they need to be.

This streamlined approach simplifies campaign management, providing you more time to focus on personalizing your emails and strategy rather than dealing with the technicalities of email validation and deliverability.

Higher Open and Response Rates

A clean, validated email list not only improves deliverability but also doubles your chances of getting your emails opened and responded to. Scrubby’s near-accurate validation ensures that the emails you send are going to real, engaged recipients. Combined with Instantly’s AI-driven insights and optimization features, this significantly boosts your campaign’s performance metrics.

By ensuring your email lands in the right inbox, you drastically increase the likelihood of your message being read and responded to. This higher engagement rate can translate directly into more meetings and increased revenue.

Enhanced Data Security

Both Scrubby and Instantly take data security seriously. Scrubby’s robust data security framework ensures that your email lists are validated without compromising sensitive information. This is crucial in an era where data breaches and security concerns are rampant.

Having confidence that both your email validation and sending processes are secure allows you to focus on the bigger picture—growing your business and increasing revenue.

How to Integrate Scrubby with Instantly: The Competitive Edge

The digital landscape is crowded with businesses trying to get attention. Standing out often means finding ways to streamline processes and improve efficiencies. The integration of Scrubby and Instantly offers a unique competitive edge by ensuring that your outreach campaigns are both cost-effective and high-performing.

By offering unlimited sending accounts without additional costs, Instantly allows you to rapidly scale your campaigns without breaking the bank. Adding Scrubby into the mix ensures those campaigns are underpinned by accurate, reliable email lists.

In this highly competitive environment, such efficiencies can be the catalyst that propels your business ahead of the competition.

Explore our Here are the Steps for Integrating Scrubby with Instantly or just head over to tutorial on YouTube for a straightforward guide on how to seamlessly integrate these two platforms. The tutorial simplifies each step of the process, ensuring that users of all technical backgrounds can easily set up and benefit from this integration. 


Integrating Scrubby with Instantly can dramatically enhance your email outreach campaigns. Scrubby’s top-notch email validation reduces bounce rates, maintains your IP and domain reputation, and ensures data security, while Instantly’s scalable, cost-effective email sending capabilities and AI-driven insights take your campaigns to the next level.

In an industry where precision and efficiency are key, the integration of Scrubby and Instantly is a no-brainer for businesses looking to elevate their email marketing efforts.