
See how Scrubby.io works

Scrubby works to validate and verify your risky emails in 3 simple steps. 

1. Submit your catch-all or risky email list

After building your lead list, you can submit the file into our platform to start the process using the only tool that can validate risky emails.

2. We scrub your catch-all lead list

Scrubby sends actual blank emails at scale to your recipients list to validate your list of email addresses. 

3. Receive back your lead list in 48-72 hours

Our email list validation service waits 48-72 hours before giving you your lead list back as some emails can bounce up to 2 days after sending. 

Have a look at how you can use Scrubby

Optimize your campaign efficiency with Scrubby, beginning with an offer of 100 complimentary credits.

Try it free (100 emails)