5 Methods to Confirm if an Email Address is Valid

The quality of your email list can make or break your campaigns. Ensuring that you are working with valid email addresses is paramount to maintaining healthy deliverability rates, enhancing your sender reputation, and maximizing your efforts. Not to mention, reducing bounce rates can significantly impact your marketing ROI. With that in mind, email validation becomes a critical task.

Email address is valid

Below are five surefire methods to confirm if an email address is valid. Each method comes with its own set of advantages, so you can tailor your approach based on your specific needs.

1. Syntax and Format Check

The first line of defense in email validation is ensuring the email address is syntactically correct. This is about checking the structure of the email address to see if it adheres to the standard email format.

An email address typically follows the format: local-part@domain.com. Here’s a closer look at what to check:

  • Local-part: The first part before the “@” should be alphanumeric and can include dots, hyphens, and underscores.
  • Domain: Should be followed by an “@” symbol and the domain name should be valid.
  • Top-Level Domain (TLD): End with a commonly used TLD such as .com, .net, .org, etc.

Tools and Tips: Utilize online regex (regular expression) tools that specifically check email formatting. This is a quick first-step method but doesn’t confirm if the email address is operational.

2. Domain Check

After examining the syntax, the next step is to verify the domain. Ensuring the domain is valid involves checking if the domain actually exists and if it is set up to receive emails.

Key Steps:

  • DNS Lookup: Perform a DNS (Domain Name System) check to see if the domain has valid MX (Mail Exchange) records. MX records are required for email delivery.
  • WHOIS Lookup: A WHOIS lookup can provide information about the domain’s registration status and its owner.

Tools and Tips: Free DNS lookup tools like MXToolbox or WHOIS lookup services can quickly tell you if a domain is real and valid.

3. Role-Based Address Check

Role-based email addresses, such as info@domain.com, support@domain.com, or sales@domain.com, don’t usually belong to a single individual and are often managed by multiple people. These types of addresses are often used for customer service and are less likely to engage with marketing campaigns.

Reasons to validate these:

  • Lower Engagement Rates: Role-based emails generally exhibit lower open and click-through rates.
  • Spam Risks: Such addresses are more prone to mark emails as spam.

Tools and Tips: Some email validation services offer features to identify and flag role-based addresses, which can help you clean your list and improve engagement rates.

4. SMTP Validation

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) check goes a step further by verifying the email directly with the mail server. This method essentially tries to connect to the mail server and simulates sending an email without actually doing it.

Steps Include:

  • Server Connection: Connect to the target email address’s SMTP server.
  • Simulated Check: Send a request to check if the email address exists.
  • Response Interpretation: Analyze the server’s response to determine if the email address is valid.

Tools and Tips: Use email validation services that integrate SMTP checks for the most accurate results. However, excessive SMTP validation attempts can sometimes result in your IP being blocked, so proceed with caution.

5. Use of Comprehensive Email Validation Services

The most powerful method combines all the above processes to ensure an email address is as valid as possible. Comprehensive email validation services offer a multi-step verification process, which is both time-saving and highly accurate.


  • Integrated Checks: They perform syntax, domain, role-based, and SMTP checks all in one go.
  • Additional Features: Many services offer advanced features such as checking for temporary emails, disposable addresses, and spam traps.
  • Automation: The process can be automated via API, saving you from manual efforts and enabling you to scale your validation process.

Popular Services: Platforms such as Scrubby, NeverBounce, ZeroBounce, and Hunter offer highly reliable and comprehensive email validation solutions which are great for lead generation agencies looking to clean up their lists regularly.

One Seamless Solution: The Role of Scrubby in Complete Email Validation

When it comes to complete email validation, Scrubby stands out from the competition. Unlike other tools, Scrubby goes beyond standard SMTP validation by uniquely incorporating risky and catch-all email checks. This ensures a more thorough and accurate validation process, resulting in an impressive 98% deliverability rate for your entire email list.

Scrubby’s advanced algorithms not only check the syntax and domain but also identify role-based addresses and perform in-depth SMTP validations. Additionally, Scrubby’s ability to detect catch-all emails sets it apart, as this feature is crucial for maintaining the quality and deliverability of your email campaigns. By filtering out potentially risky emails and ensuring that only valid addresses are included in your list, Scrubby helps you maintain a healthy sender reputation and maximize your marketing ROI.

Why Email Validation is Essential for Lead Generation Agencies

As a lead generation agency, your primary goal is to generate high-quality leads that convert. Working with invalid or low-quality email addresses can severely hamper your success. Here’s why email validation should be a cornerstone of your operations:

  • Enhanced Deliverability Rates: Valid email addresses ensure your mail reaches the intended inbox, driving better open rates and engagement.
  • Improved Sender Reputation: Reducing the number of bounced emails helps to maintain a good sender reputation with email service providers (ESPs).
  • Better ROI: By having a clean list, your marketing spend becomes more efficient, targeting potential leads who are more likely to convert.

Conclusion: The Importance of Email Validation

For a lead generation agency, the importance of email validation cannot be overstated. Utilizing these five methods can help ensure that you are only working with valid email addresses. Whether you are manually checking syntax or leveraging comprehensive email validation services, each approach adds a layer of protection and accuracy to your lead generation activities.

Incorporating email validation into your regular processes will not only save time and resources but also significantly enhance the effectiveness of your email marketing strategies. Remember, a clean email list is a powerful tool in driving better engagement, conversions, and ultimately, success.

To achieve the highest deliverability rates and maintain the integrity of your email list, consider using Scrubby. With its comprehensive validation processes, including risky and catch-all email checks, Scrubby ensures an impressive 98% deliverability rate, making it an invaluable tool for any lead generation agency. Try Scrubby today and experience the difference in your email marketing performance.

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Amit Singh

Amit Singh is a seasoned digital marketing professional with diverse experience across multiple industries, including IT, travel, entertainment, publishing, and digital marketing agencies. He serves as a Growth Manager for Vendisys, Scrubby, Golden Leads, Inboxy, and other Vendisys entities, where he leverages his extensive expertise to drive growth and achieve business objectives.