How To 2X Your Revenue With Cold Email By Automatically Sending Emails With a 20% Reply Rate.

This is the absolute BEST way to 2X your revenue through cold emails at scale (in less than 30 mins) and get a 120%  hike in response rates and all it takes is 5 mins.

You’re a superstar sales pro/agency owner/recruiter who wants to be the Kobe Bryant of their industry and you’re aiming to 2X your revenue without having to break your head crafting a new script or pay for more lead lists.

This is for you if you’re looking for a simple and easy-to-use addition to your email marketing that makes it rain in your Bank account that same week. 3-6 Months Later and you won’t have as much of an edge as you would have rn.

This is the highest ROI cold email strategy specifically for B2B companies. It takes about 5 minutes to set up. Then? It’s all smooth sailing from there, giving you access to untapped email lists.

Before starting, create a free Scrubby account here. We’re going to be using Scrubby to validate all risky emails giving you a 42% increase in the emails that are ‘safe’ to send to.

Does this sound like you:

You’re already sending a large volume of cold emails every month just like everyone else in your industry BUT you’re wasting 1000s of leads just because you don’t have a method of verifying them and don’t want to risk the reputation of your domain.

The truth is: 

You can only use a software like NeverBounce or ZeroBounce, Email only the safe emails and scrap the ‘Risky’ and bad emails.

However, what you’re actually doing is throwing away tens of thousands of completely valid prospects every month. 

We are the only ones in the market with a service as such. Our solution changes the Email game for everyone who uses it.

Quick story

My name is Erik Paulson, I’m the CEO of Scrubby, and not that it matters, but I have been in the cold email/outbound sales space for close to two decades now. 

With multiple other companies like Vendisys, Golden Leads, and Inboxy, I have been working towards revolutionizing Email and Lead Gen Outreach Safety and Access.

Around 4 years ago, in 2020, we decided to build this tool internally until hundreds of people asked us for access too. And…? We delivered. And we didn’t hesitate to overdeliver.

Here’s a  quick comparison of what difference it makes

Without Scrubby:

  • 10,000 Email Lead List from a Scraper Software (100%)
  • 5200 Emails verified Good/ Valid through software like NeverBounce (52% – Safely approach them)
  • 800 Bad Emails ( 8% – You throw them away)
  • Remaining 4000 Risky Emails? You can either take the risk of damaging your domain reputation and email them. OR as most businesses do, Throw them away and not bat an eye.
  • You generate $10,000 in revenue through that. (Current Revenue)

With Scrubby:

  • 10,000 Email Lead List from a Scraper Software (100%)
  • 5200 Emails verified Good/ Valid through software like NeverBounce (52% – Safely approach them)
  • 800 Bad Emails ( 8% – You throw them away)
  • Remaining 4000 (40%) Risky Emails? Run it through Scrubby.
  • 25% of the Risky Emails Hard Bounce (Bad Emails, Throw them away)
  • The remaining 75% (3000 Supposedly Risky Emails) are Now safe to approach.
  • Increasing your reach from 52% to 82%. And BAM.
  • Safe to say that you at least save $8,000 in revenue. (Boosts your response rate too)

 Here is the exact framework you can follow today. To setup our Email Outreach system. Let’s get started…

Here’s how to install our 2X revenue system:

Step 1: Buy burner domains and set up your email accounts

Buying domains

We use Porkbun to buy our domains. The recommended no. of domains to start off with is 10.

But don’t be cheap, buy 10 domains at once – this has a bigger ROI than your Chipotle, Starbucks, bubble tea, and other silly expenses.

We want to buy alias domains for cold emailing so we don’t damage the reputation of your main domain. From each email, we’re going to be sending a maximum of 30 emails a day to not get stuck in spam.

Buy domains that are similar to your main domain. Top-level domains work best (stick to .com). We’ve had success with domains like .co or .org too, but if possible, buy .com domains.

If your business is called, then buy domains like:

Then, once you buy your 25 domains, make sure to forward all of them to your main domain website. 

When a recipient receives an email from your burner domain, they will most likely search it up and it should redirect to your website automatically. DO NOT FORGET THIS. Do it as soon as you buy your domains.

Setting up email accounts

When you purchase your domain through PorkBun, follow these instructions to set up 1 email account for each domain. We recommend Microsoft Outlook as it’s cheaper AND proven better than Google Workspace after the latest crackdown by Google (2024). 

Some people advise doing 3-5 email accounts per domain but the more email accounts you create, the higher chance of burning the domain.

To be safe in the beginning, just create one email account per domain then after a month or two of safely sending emails, add another email account. I wouldn’t push it past 3 email accounts per domain.

Warming up email accounts

Go to SmartLead and sign up. It’s our favourite tool for sending. You should now connect all of your email accounts to the Warmup feature and start the warm-up process. 

Warm Up your emails for at least 2 weeks before starting your campaigns. That will allow you to really scale it up and get to that 100+ calls/month mark sooner. 

Always keep the warm-up inbox on – never turn it off.

Making sure everything is set up correctly

Before starting your campaigns, you want to make sure the domain and email setup is done correctly.

For domains, use SPF & DKIM check.
For testing email spamminess, use Mail Tester.

If something’s wrong, go back and quickly fix it 🙂

Email account health tip  – if you wanna be super safe, goody two shoes then don’t start sending 30 emails per day per email account from week 1. Start at 5 then double it every week until you hit 30 max. (If you do choose to use, It does the warmup for you)

Week 1 – send 5 emails per email account 

Week 2 – send 10 emails per email account

Week 3 – send 20 emails per email account

Week 4 – send 30 emails per email account (stop increasing at this point)

Step 2: Source and verify untapped leads, at scale, for maximum success

Your lead sourcing strategy can make or break your entire cold email campaign. If you send emails to unqualified and unverified leads, you’ll be sure to land in spam and burn all of your domains right away. Let alone get any positive replies and booked demos…

So here’s the best step-by-step process for finding untapped leads in your niche and then verifying the data to make sure we’re ONLY sending cold emails to active emails.

The truth is – no matter which data provider you use, most of them are using LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator in the back end.

Even tools like Apollo, ZoomInfo, etc – they’re mainly just a wrapper around Sales Nav. 

That said, people still use these data providers because of their UI and efficiency. 

Using widely known databases

Feel free to dive into tools like Apollo and get creative with filters – there are tons of videos on YouTube and how to scrape leads using Apollo. 

However, think logically – what’s stopping your competitors from reaching out to those same people while using the same filters because they watched the same YouTube videos as you?

You should be spending 80% of your time finding untapped lead sources that are not used by your competitors. Try them all. Test them and compare results in your cold email campaigns.

General untapped lead sources

We recently came across a tool called DataGMA. We like tools that can scale up with us as we’re sending large volumes. And their pricing is pretty affordable at scale so it’s worth checking out.

The next best source of finding untapped leads is going directly to the source – LinkedIn Sales Navigator. The problem with Sales Nav is actually exporting the data in an efficient way…

However, because you’re reading this guide, we have something very special for you 😉

Extracting unlimited data from Sales Nav

We use extractthedata to scrape unlimited Sales Nav leads for only $89/month.

Untapped lead sources for selling SaaS

Next, I wanna share some secret sauce if you’re selling software 

Go to places like Capterra, G2, Crunchbase, AppSumo, and ProductHunt, and scrape all these reviews from your competitors’ tools. 

There are tools out there to help you do this – you’re only one Google search away.

If you’re reading this then you’re probably running an online business so most of your leads will be found in Sales Nav or these other creative places like the review sites I mentioned.

However, because I want to give you even more value in exchange for your valuable time, I’ll leave you with a bonus strategy.

Scraping untapped leads from Twitter

Go to Twitter/X and search keywords around your product/service. 

Example: If I was selling video software – I would search for some competitors. Then see who’s tweeting about it and then scrape the people interacting with those posts and accounts. Or you can use a more direct approach and go to the competitors’ accounts and scrape their followers as leads.

We use Scrapybird for this. Feel free to test other tools too.

Most people usually stop here. That’s where we get a huge competitive edge. We source the untapped/unsaturated leads that people usually consider as “Not worth the risk” and leave behind. With our case, We know if they are truly valid or not so we reach out to them as well.

Step 3: First out of two layers of Email Validation (Gonna change the heading)

Why two layers/steps?

Now we get into the fun part. 

The simple reason is to make sure every valid email even among the risky bunch is made use of.

Especially in a competitive market or saturated market.

The reason is that people usually only have one layer of validation for their email list. 

Possibly using Software like ZeroBounce, NeverBounce, Million Verifier, debounce, BriteVerify, etc.

Then proceed to scrap the Bad and risky bunch of emails shown by these software completely unaware that among those risky emails, are at least 75% of valid emails.

(Now this is where you can get the competitive advantage, By running those risky emails through Scrubby, You get the Good and Bad emails of those Risky Emails. The best part? The majority of them have never been saturated by anyone cause people throw away the risky emails not even bothering risking their reputation unaware. )

Now….after your first layer of validation. Scrap the Bad Emails, NOT the risky ones…not yet at least.

Step 4: The Final Layer of Validation

This is where the real untouched money is.

Here’s the Step-by-Step process on how to use Scrubby as your Final Layer of Validation.

As simple as that, barely costing you 5 minutes of your time.


Guarantees you the potential to 2x your Revenue, Have a 120% hike in response rates, and gain a competitive edge over others.

Let me reference the Value Equation by Alex Hormozi:

2X’ing your current revenue through a step that barely takes you 5 minutes to set up and the minimal effort of copy-pasting a list to Scrubby which is proven to succeed in its job as our Track Record shows sounds like a dream to many businesses. (See what I did there 😗)

One addition is all it takes.

That’s it! So you all you need to do is:

1. Buy burner domains and set up your email accounts

2. Source leads, at scale

3. Use Email Validators like NeverBounce To find the Risky Emails.

4. Use Scrubby for that Second Layer of Validation among the Risky Emails.

And BAM, you can get 2x revenue, boost your lead list by 3.5X, enhance your lead list by 1.8x, and amplify your opportunities up to 5 times.

Now there are a few ways to achieve this:

Option one is the common route of having just a one-layer validation for your email lists and losing out on 1000s of quality leads. If that’s what you want. That is completely fine (It’s not) and I wish you the best of luck in the future.

Or you can use Scrubby and scale your business to new heights within a small period of time and the minimal effort of just a single addition to the process you already use.

Again, this is for agency owners, sales leaders, and recruiters who are looking to boost their response rates, double their revenue and opportunities, and win more deals, but are struggling with unknowingly losing out on about 45% of their lead sheets, losing opportunities and deals you didn’t even know you could get.

By using Scrubby, This is what’s going to happen:

  • You will be able to reach out to untapped/ unsaturated prospects, boosting response rates and engagement.
  • You will see a significant increase in response rates in as little as a few days.
  • You can finally get rid of the frustration of low reply rates and missed opportunities.
  • You can forget about running out of lead lists cause you only message half of it.
  • You will feel empowered and confident because you’ll have a powerful tool that supercharges your outreach efforts and helps you achieve your outreach goals faster and more efficiently.

The End. Feedback & Suggestions

That’s it. Thanks for reading and now it’s time to start executing.

Everything you need is in this step-by-step guide, but if you want to start using that golden final level of validation in your own cold email process then sign up for a free Scrubby account.

Here’s a free signup link. (You can even try out our 14-day trial period where you have 100 free credits and can check it out yourself if it works or not)

Always happy to hear what you think we can improve to make this system & Scrubby even better/faster.

If you have any questions or want us to set this system up for you, contact us directly via the Book a Demo Feature on Scrubby for help.

PS: If you liked this step-by-step guide feel free to share it with your friends. 

To your success,
Erik Paulson,
Co-Founder/CEO – Scrubby

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Erik Paulson

Erik Paulson is a distinguished entrepreneur and the CEO of Vendisys, Scrubby, Golden Leads, Inboxy, and several other companies. With more than 15 years in the industry, Erik stands as a pivotal figure in lead generation. He has been the catalyst behind a series of successful ventures, where he has pioneered innovative strategies for creating meeting-ready leads, validating risky emails, and enriching data, thereby setting new industry standards. Erik's profound insights and strategic foresight are highly respected and sought after in the industry. Under his leadership, Vendisys and its associated companies continue to redefine and advance the future of lead generation.